Thursday, October 29, 2020

Lunch Time Stroll Downtown - Tigard, Oregon

With beautiful weather and a long lunch you've got to get out for a long walk. We have a loop that we follow that just happened to pass the school office staff TWICE. 

We started on Pathfinder-Genesis Trail to Fanno Creek Trail. From there we took the Heritage Trail to Main Street and back down Fanno Creek Trail again.

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Ballot Drop-off - Tigard, Oregon

 Like the Visine advertisements from the 80s and 90s - It gets the Red OUT!!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

John Tigard House (East Butte Heritage Park) - Tigard, Oregon


We've heard of the John Tigard House but always seem to forget to check it out. This was an after dinner walk so the house was closed and it started to get dark on our walk home. Hopefully we'll remember to come back again and explore the area with more daylight.

Friday, October 9, 2020

Tigard Transit Center - Tigard, Oregon

 We enjoyed the Outdoor Museum on the Heritage Trail on our way to grab coffee at Symposium. Out of chance (and curiosity) we walked across the street to the Tigard Transit Center. Commuters park, walk or bike here to catch the WES train to the Beaverton Transit Center MAX station. We were surprised to find moveable art. It was a mix of strange cast of characters. We could have stayed and played if it wasn't the middle of a pandemic. We decided it was best not to touch anything, but just enjoy it from an arm's length away.