Thursday, March 26, 2020

Pathfinder-Genesis Trail - Tigard, Oregon

We had time for another lunchtime walk. It was chilly but dry. We spotted sidewalk chalk art shortly after arriving on the path. We took a different route today which led us to a backyard with the most friendly goat. He came frolicking over to us when we stopped to take a photo. We saw lots of ducks and squirrels on the way home.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Woodard Park - Tigard, Oregon

The weather was still nice enough to take a long stroll to one of the nearby parks. Kate decided to go on two wheels.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Cook Park - Tigard, Oregon

Another lunchtime stroll. This time we returned to Cook Park. We ran into school staff out for a jog. It was a really nice surprise to see them since school has been closed due to Corona Virus.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Fanno Creek Park - Tigard, Oregon

We took a lunchtime walk on the paths at Fanno Creek Park with some detours through parts of Downtown Tigard. We liked seeing our name on a boat shop so we paused to take a photo. :)

Monday, March 16, 2020

Pathfinder-Genesis Trail - Tigard, Oregon

This nice path actually runs through our neighborhood and is nicely maintained by the City of Tigard. The trail branches out in a few spots so you can choose your own adventure.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Cook Park - Tigard, Oregon

The Tigard Library parking lot was full so we drove over to Cook Park to take a stroll and waste some time. We explored a side of the park that we ignored all the previous times that we've been there.