Saturday, October 18, 2014

NASA Ames Research Center - Moffett Field, Mountainview, CA

The space exploration agency offered walking tours of its research facility to mark the 75th anniversary of the Ames center, located at the Moffett Federal Airfield in Silicon Valley. Over 200,000 attended the event.

The open house event included a self-guided walking tour, where visitors could check out NASA facilities, interact with scientists and engineers, and have opportunities to learn about new technologies and developing projects at Ames.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Twin Peaks - San Francisco, CA

More family time for Kate's birthday. We went up to the highest point in San Francisco for some spectacular city views.

Sky High Sports - Burlingame, CA

Big sister, Kate, had her 8th Birthday Party at Sky High Sports. The staff closed off a small portion of trampolines so we could have a safe place to bounce all to ourselves.