Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Ryder Park - San Mateo, CA

We had some time to kill today so we went to Ryder Park. Check out my older post for more information:  http://jillianmichelestevens.blogspot.com/2011/09/ryder-park-san-mateo-ca.html

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Chabot Space & Science Center - Oakland, CA

Founded as an observatory in 1883, today Chabot (set amid beautiful redwood parklands in the Oakland hills) offers visitors the very latest in hands-on, interactive exhibits, displays, and Planetarium shows that explore the mysteries of the universe and of life here on earth. Combined with a full program of activity-filled classes, workshops, Space & Science Camp, outreach programs and special events, Chabot Space & Science Center has become the Bay Area's go to destination for visitors of all ages who want to discover and learn about space and earth sciences.

Chabot Space & Science Center is one of Northern California’s leading centers for informal science education. Each year thousands of students from throughout the Bay Area visit Chabot on field trips.

This was originally a trip mainly for big sister, Kate. But it ended up being lots of fun for all of us! We especially liked the Mayan movie projected on the ceiling.